What is Australia Wildlife Conservation?

Global Guardians is an Australian Wildlife Conservation organisation that provides world-wide initiatives for animal safety and species preservation. By providing ongoing funding support and interactive volunteering programs, we are actively trying to improve the condition of our planet. Our current focus is South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya with additional Wildlife Conservation in Australia, Asia, the Americas and beyond planned for the future. These efforts provide on-ground organisations with access to important resources and training to combat local illegal wildlife trading. Our aim is to educate our communities by providing information and volunteering opportunities for you to create your own impact. Each program is specially designed to address world-wide areas of concern and provide safe and fun experiences for you. We have first-hand and on-ground experience at every organisation we support to ensure that our impact is making a difference.

What We Do

Our organisation is built from first-hand experiences including  Australian Wildlife Conservation efforts from a range of professional backgrounds and experiences. Our partners have joined Global Guardians to work together and create a broad impact with their combined resources and skills. Together, we provide anti-poaching and animal research programs that protect wildlife and their surrounding communities. Though we currently focus on African communities, future plans include more concentration on critical areas of Wildlife Conservation in Australia. Wildlife across the world, including close to home, is continually affected by human interference. Our conservation work is never complete, and we provide ongoing support efforts every day of the year.

Some of our conservation initiatives include:

  • Ranger Placement
  • Anti-poaching training and services
  • Travel & Volunteering Advice
  • Donation Collection and more!

Hear From Our Community

Our Wildlife Conservation Australian team understand the importance of protecting our environment and animals. Through their experience with Global Guardians, they’ve seen first-hand exactly how our impact is improving the welfare of local wildlife.

Hear their thoughts:

“Being an anti-poaching ranger is no walk in the park and it’s important to realise this early on. It’s a serious job for a reason. This training was not easy but its challenges have taught me so many things. It has tested and nourished my endurance and has shown me that mental strength and determination is the ultimate quality.” – Ryan

“It’s no secret that we’re in dire need of skilled and motivated Wildlife Protectors. Only you will decide if it’s something for you. The exposure on the courses provides all that you need to make the call. My only regret is that I had not enrolled sooner.” – Shasheen.









