22 May Geoffrey – Head Instructor For Tac Trac
Episode – 44 – By Travel Worth Living
In this episode I get to talk with Geoffrey, the head instructor for Tac Trac. The Tac Trac Combat Tracking initiative was started as a way to combat the onslaught of wildlife crimes committed in Africa. As an NGO, they provide training for anti-poaching rangers who are then mobilised to work in various reserves across Africa.
Geoffrey began working as a ranger at the age of 17. Since then, he’s spent years honing his tracking and anti-poaching skills, first as a ranger and now as an instructor. During our conversation we talk about the threats rangers face, how they apprehend and stop poachers, and what it takes to spend days at a time out in the field.
To listen to the podcast interview click below.
To learn more about Tac Trac, you can visit their website here: www.tactrac.co.za
You can also follow Geoffrey on Instagram @rangerssurvivalcraft.
If you would like to join the training please contact us by email at info@gguardians.org or check out the anti-poaching training program here https://gguardians.org/anti-poaching/pathfinder-level-one/
22 May 2021